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The stories of panchtantra written by the ancient Pandit Vishnu Sharma for more than 2000 years have a unique and unique place in world literature. These stories, written in the form of folktales, are very famous in the world for their distinctive style.

  These stories are entertaining and intriguing as they make a king know the ethics of three-faced sons in just 6 months. Yes, it is true that the characters in the stories are lions, deer, foxes, tigers, camels, donkeys, elephants, giraffes, wild animals and various kinds of birds. 

 There are very few human characters. Yet the tensions of the story element woven around these characters reveal morality, piety, politics, diplomacy, sexuality, friendship, enmity, service, philanthropy and social consciousness. This story reflects all the expectations and activities of human life. 

 The stories are small, yet all these stories have come together in such a wonderful way that it keeps the reader in suspense. That is why it is said that there is probably no other popular Sanskrit text like Panchatantra. The verses in the stories of Sanskrit Panchatantra are like precious diamonds initiated. One verse is like one key to living life. 

The stories of Panchatantra are instructive as well as entertaining. The art style of this book is incomparable. All the stories have a wonderful combination of literature and everyday activities of folklore. Shortness is the main feature of stories. 
Each story teaches its reader the real art of living life. The popularity of Panchatantra is so intact even today. Due to its popularity, this book has been translated into many languages of the world. 
We have translated the stories of Panchatantra there in the form of small booklets by many authors. In translating these stories into Gujarati, he has given priority only to the story element. These powers he has overlooked. The result is a diamond in the rough. The Gujarati version of the original work has been given justice in its entirety. This will probably be the first such publication in Gujarati.

  I would like to thank my friend Yakubbhai Malik for inspiring me to translate the Panchatantra into its original form in Gujarati. It is my heartfelt prayer to the readers to draw my attention to the flaws left in the book and to give special instructions.

There is a story of Panchatantra, the job should maintain its need. This story was told by a Pandit named Vishnu Sharma in the stories of Panchatantra thousands of years ago. That teaching is just as important today.
Panchatantra is a literature written in Sanskrit by Pandit Vishnu Sharma around the 1st or 2nd century. Being in the style of folklore, it is a treasure trove of rites and practical knowledge. The less you write or read about it, the better. This literature has been translated into most of the worlds languages. As TV and internet media developed, so did the spread of stories.
The main objective of the Panchatantra is to understand the nature and behavior of the various organs of the worldly situation and the psychological style through knowledge and jokes. Just as a child takes bitter medicine with sweetness with help, so easily understands the form of a life story.
This literature is specially designed for children. That is, the characters of the story are also special, here the author makes good use of the animal kingdom. Everyone is included in the story according to each animal and its nature. Just as the fox is inferior to the cunning, so the creatures like the dove and the mouse provide an excellent example of unity and friendliness.

At the beginning of the Panchatantra, Devguru thanks Jupiter, Manu Rishi, Maharshi Veda Vyas, and Chanakya. These stories are the essence of the knowledge of these great scholars. The benefit of which the whole human world has been able to get easily from the scriptures. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required.
▪️The first mechanism. Friend distinction, the third person between two friends when splitting to achieve their purpose. The serious consequences of trapping the foxs fox in the words of a greedy friend are strong. 

▪️The second mechanism. 
Mitra Samprapti has explained the importance of uniting like-minded people with different skills in this system.
▪️The third mechanism. 

Kakulukiyam, never trust such a friendship if it has become a friend in the past. If trust is placed, the result is loss.
In the story of these five systems, an attempt is made by animals to create knowledge and instincts. Even though it was formed around the first century, it still prefers the teachings of the Panchatantra as the basis and example of its curriculum.

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