[ Best 5 ] gujarati religious pdf book

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▪️What is religion? 

Has anyone ever wondered what religion is? No, we are taught from an early age that we are Hindus or Muslims and this is how we should worship. That going to the temple and following Hinduism is not a religion but the true meaning of religion is humanity. Religion is an art of living life. It is a religion to get happiness for oneself and also to give happiness to others. Religion is for us to live happily and let others live happily too. The main purpose of religion is for all people to live in peace and happiness. Without recognizing our real life, other material pleasures run after us, this material happiness is the main cause of misery.

▪️What is religion?
 Religion is the basic nature of human beings. Religion means that no particular tradition, no denomination, has anything to do with any one particular system or philosophy. Religion means to find it, to recognize it, and to know it as it is. This is what we call Dharma Yatra. Religion is a ladder on which a person walks continuously. Religion is not faith because faith never changes. The form and nature of God is the faith and disbelief of man.
Many also name religion and faith. But religion is not faith either, because faith is always changing. As if for a time the belief was that the earth was lifted by an ox on one of its horns. Earthquakes occur when an ox covers the earth and moves it from one horn to another. But there is a round.
▪️Hindu religious 

 Hinduism is not a way of religion, it is just a way of life. You will hear this today if the youth are sitting and discussing Hindu culture and India. They will bluntly say that Hinduism is completely different. That is not religion. So what is it That is the way of life.
The Hindus who question the value of this infamous sentence have often not adopted Hinduism and put it into practice. He may have in mind that the basic essence of Hinduism is to live a virtuous life and do ones duty, and therefore there is no need to do anything special. 

 Hinduism is a way of life, but it is a spiritual way of life. Such as good practice, worship lessons, selfless service, spiritual study and meditation. 

The Germans have concluded that Sanatan Dharma is an organization of different religions, which can stand as a religion in its own right, with dignity and courage. All of these religions have some commonalities in common, such as culture, worship lessons, scriptures, and basic outlook on life. Karma, Dharma, reincarnation, omnipresent divinity and special. Hinduism gloriously fulfills every definition and virtue of religion.
The bright future of Hinduism lies in standing with other religions, not in any way of life. Hindus who do not understand that there is no Hindu religion do not find Sanatan Dharma useful. They dont understand how such an attitude feels in the ranks of other religions. Think about whether Muslims say that Islam is not a religion but a way of life. Or Christians? Jews? They did not. They are proud of their spiritual personality. But for some reason, through a mental nuisance, the Hindu lives in the illusion that this can be destructive to himself. These math masters who promoted this idea in the West in the twentieth century. Especially when they were Christian and Jewish and taught Vedanta, yoga and meditation, so as not to provoke their religious feelings.

▪️ Buddha religious 

 I am not a Buddhist, as you may have heard, but I am still a Buddhist. If China, Japan or Khil follow the teachings of the great Tathagata, then India worships him as the incarnation of God on earth. I just heard that I am a critic of Buddhism, but you should understand from it only what I consider to be the incarnation of God on this earth, their criticism! Not possible for me.

▪️ Sikh religious 

 Sikhism believes in one God, although up to God 10 religions are gurus. Guru Nanak was the first Dharma Guru while Guru Gobind Singh is the last Dharma Guru. Sikhs believe that God is indestructible and omnipresent. 

 In the fifteenth century, Guru Nanak Saheb founded Sikhism with a spirit of monotheism and mutual brotherhood. He was born on 15 April 1469 at a place called Talwadi Raibhoi, now known as Nanaka Saheb. Talwandi Pakistan is located 50 km southwest of Lahore. Guru Nanak gave the same Sikhism and 10 principles. As God is one.

▪️Muslim religion. 

Muslim religion is a subject that affects the feelings of the people associated with it. Unless we have a thorough knowledge of a religion, we should not interfere in it.
Disregarding religion is tantamount to insulting those associated with it and no one can tolerate his own insult. However, the mental state of the people is such that they are giving false advice related to religion with incomplete knowledge. 

What is the origin of Hinduism, what is the pride of Sikhism, what is the symbol of Christianity and what is the meaning of worship in Islam? What happens is that people are deprived of all this information but people seem to believe what they hear. There are a few things connected with Islam that have become prevalent at the social level with false meanings.

▪️Christianity religious 

Christians believe in one God, but they worship him in three forms, namely, God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. In Christianity, the Supreme Father created the universe and who is the ruler of the universe. 

Jesus was a Jew. He was born in Bethlehem, Israel. For Christians his mother Mary had been a bachelor all her life. Jesus came into their womb miraculously by the grace of God the Father. Jesus said in a prophetic prophecy of the Jewish river that a savior is found in the psalm. Some people believe that Jesus also came to India.

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