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Gujarati language has vowels and consonants. Different vowels and different consonants make up simple words. What are words? Words are the letters or vowels that give an understanding of a meaning, price, sign, etc., individually or jointly, by which a person can understand the sign, meaning or thing we are saying. A word can be from one letter to more than a set of words. A sentence is formed by a word. If there is no word then there cannot be a sentence. The basic basis of the sentence is the word. The word is very useful for a young child to learn a language. Before a child learns a language, he or she first identifies the language's home use tools, relationships, or anything else in that language. After recognizing the word, he learns to experiment with the form of the sentence. The word is the basic foundation for language learning. Some sound combinations have two elements, touch and conflict. There is a complete obstruction of the air during the utterance, it is touched and released on the uttered Veda, as a result of which the sound feels conflict, and the conflict is manifested by washing. So some words are also formed by such consonants.
We identify vowel consonants as phonetic consonants which have no independent meaning as we have seen before, but do not help to express the meaning with a certain type of sound series. The difference between the syllables in the pronunciation of a word is known as the syllable, which has a mostly lexical meaning. But sometimes the melody of the whole sentence or utterance, which mostly reveals the price of the speaker or listener to the world, is called Vakyasura.
The words which have similarities between the characters of the alphabet in terms of pronunciation are called words with similarity. Independent terms and their usage bring simplicity, accuracy and conciseness to the language. Such terms are also called words.
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